When–not if–the Big One hits Seattle

big one hits SeattleConsider this a rare New To Seattle guest post, of sorts. Click here to read a story in the July 20 issue of The New Yorker by Kathryn Schulz. The not-so-understated headline:

Annals of Seismology


An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when.

Not much for me to add here.

The same geology that makes Seattle very beautiful also makes it very dangerous.

Which is why, albeit with a ridiculously high deductible, I carry earthquake insurance.

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When–not if–the Big One hits Seattle — 2 Comments

  1. Pingback: New Yorker story about Seattle sinking into the sea wins a Pulitzer Prize | New To Seattle

  2. Pingback: Disaster-prone Seattle produces a searchable map of disaster | New To Seattle

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