Jay Leno links politics, pornography–and Seattle weather

Two weeks ago, amid the furor over the anti-Seattle Twitter comments of the newly crowned Miss Seattle, Jean-Sun Hannah Ahn, I suggested here that Seattle’s Convention and Visitors Bureau should aggressively market the local rain rather than minimize it.

For more evidence why this should be done, let’s turn to Jay Leno.

Last night on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,” the U.S.’s top-rated late-night TV comedian made Seattle rain a punchline of a double-entrendre-ladened bit.  To see the video clip, click here. After a commercial, the relevant part starts at 1:15. Below, a transcript of the pertinent portion.


THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO (National Broadcasting Co.)

March 20, 2012


Opening monologue

JAY LENO (host): As you know, Rick Santorum has declared war on pornography. And ironically today, the first shot was fired prematurely. I’m surprised.

(Audience laughter)

LENO: You see, pundits say Santorum is clearly out of touch with male voters who are in touch with themselves. That’s the problem.

(Audience laughter)

LENO: Really? Stopping pornography? Why not aim for something more realistic? Like stopping the rain in Seattle. Something doable. Okay?

(Audience laughter, then applause)

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Jay Leno links politics, pornography–and Seattle weather — 1 Comment

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